With a wide variety of lotion candles available today, it can be difficult to pinpoint which of them works the best for dry skin. But, the effectiveness of body lotion candles is usually determined by the ingredients it contains. So, what exactly makes the best body lotion candle for dry skin?
What Ingredients Make Up the Best Body Lotion for Dry Skin?
As you browse through the skin care aisle of your local store, you are faced with a seemingly endless amount of choices for body lotion candles. A number of things can influence your decision here — price, packaging, and brand. But, the ultimate factor should be what’s inside the container rather than what you see outside of it.
Just about any company can put together a body lotion candle that claims to be good for dry skin. Truthfully, though, a lot of these products consist of synthetic or ineffective ingredients that may only exacerbate your skin condition. In your search for the best body lotion for dry skin, it is paramount to go with one that has the seven ingredients below.
1. African Shea Butter
Made from the nut of the African shea tree, this ingredient surpasses other kinds of butter (such as cocoa butter and natural vegetable butter) in that it is packed with unremovable fatty acids. It is this very acid that helps moisturize and rejuvenate the skin.
Additionally, African shea butter is rich in essential vitamins like vitamin E and vitamin F. These nutrients protect the skin from sun damage as well as cold temperatures and the wind. It also promotes wound healing, encourages cellular activity, and is good for pain relief as a result of arthritis and swelling.
Beyond that, African shea butter is used to treat dry skin, minor burns, and skin conditions like eczema. It combats skin aging effects, repairs damaged skin and is even used for muscle relaxation. If you have skin discolorations, wrinkles, stretch marks, and blemishes, African shea butter can help with that, too.
For these reasons, manufacturers of the best natural lotion candle use African shea butter as one of the main ingredients in their products. Thus, if you want to achieve softer, smoother, and healthier skin, look for a body lotion candle that contains this ingredient.
2. Soya
Soya, often referred to as simply soy, is an important part of a healthy, well-rounded diet. Unfortunately, not a lot of people like to consume soy or have it readily available. This is where the best body lotion for dry skin comes in.
When looking for a body lotion candle that best suits your skin type, make sure soy is the main ingredient. Soy has antioxidant properties that can enhance the texture of your skin and even tone down the visible effects of skin aging. This ingredient can also heal sun-damaged skin, reduce redness, and fix dark spots.
In addition, soybean contains linoleic acid, vitamin E, vitamin K, and B vitamins. These nutrients work together to prevent dehydration, thus allowing your skin to retain more moisture and fight dryness.
3. Aloe Vera
If you are familiar with the beauty and wellness industry, then you definitely know about aloe vera. Used by many skin care companies and professionals, aloe vera is a natural ingredient that helps soften and repair skin.
But, what makes aloe vera so effective for dry, flaky skin? Aloe vera consists of vitamin C, vitamin E, minerals, enzymes, and antioxidants. It has moisturizing properties that help restore and hydrate the skin. Studies have also shown that aloe vera has a positive effect on skin anti-aging.
Aloe vera is not only effective against dry skin, but it can also work on dry skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema. Since it has moisturizing properties, aloe vera may help ease dry, itchy skin brought on by eczema as well as itchiness and inflammation brought on by psoriasis. It may also soothe seborrheic dermatitis.
4. Jojoba
Originating from North America, the jojoba plant is widely known for its many uses and benefits. This plant produces a nut, which can then be turned into oil, known as jojoba oil. When searching for the best natural body lotion for dry skin, look for a lotion candle that contains jojoba or jojoba oil.
But, how exactly does jojoba help your skin? First of all, jojoba is a humectant ingredient, which means it helps your skin retain moisture. In this way, it prevents your skin from becoming dry.
Secondly, like aloe vera, using jojoba oil may relieve symptoms associated with psoriasis and eczema. This is due to the healing and anti-inflammatory properties of the ingredient. With jojoba oil, you can say goodbye to dry, flaky, and itchy skin.
The benefits of jojoba do not stop there, though. Jojoba also has antioxidant and antibacterial properties. This means it can protect your skin from toxin exposure and prevent salmonella, candida, and E.coli infection.

5. Coconut
You don’t need to be an expert in skin care to know about coconut oil. This ingredient promotes hydration in the skin. In fact, one study has found that coconut oil effectively hydrates mild to moderately dry skin.
Apart from reducing dryness, coconut oil can also treat eczema as well as encourage the healing of scars and wounds. Additionally, its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties work great against acne.
6. Olive
When it comes to the best body lotion candle for dry skin, olive oil is an ingredient you should look for. This ingredient is a natural moisturizer and contains properties that kill off harmful bacteria. It also consists of antioxidants that shield your skin from ultraviolet radiation and even repair sun-damaged skin.
Aside from that, olive oil is an excellent source of vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, and vitamin K. These vitamins work together to promote healthy skin.
7. Avocado Oil
The best lotion for dry skin should contain avocado oil. Many people already know that avocado is a healthy food, so it should not come as a surprise that oil extracted from this fruit is also beneficial for dry skin.
Avocado oil is packed with vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, and antioxidants. Lotion candles that consist of avocado oil can moisturize and restore dry skin, alleviate itchiness, and heal cracked skin. This powerful ingredient can also protect your skin from the sun’s UV rays and improve collagen metabolism.
A Better Approach to Dry Skin
People who suffer from dry skin are always in search of a miracle product. But, trial and error can result in thousands of dollars wasted and even a worsened skin condition. Instead of this time-consuming method, start looking for a lotion candle that consists of these seven ingredients. Before you know it, the best body lotion for dry skin will be yours.